5 Qualities of a Successful Cleaning Franchise Owner

Posted March 11, 2021

Two successful cleaning franchise owners smiling

Like every industry or profession, there are specific skills and knowledge required to perform a job competently. All Corvus Franchise Owners possess skill sets that are essential to keeping businesses running and our communities safe, but what is it that separates the good from the great? What contributes to their success? While there is no singular trait that makes a commercial cleaning professional successful, there are certainly commonalities shared amongst the top performers. Fortunately, the five qualities listed below can be learned and implemented by anyone who is committed to their cleaning franchise:

1. Consistency

Consistently showing up on time and doing the best possible job demonstrates reliability. Staying committed to providing the highest quality cleaning service day in and day out proves to customers that their business is in your best interest. When your accounts know exactly the kind of service they will be getting, you are fostering a customer relationship based on trust and loyalty.

2. Attention to Detail

Even if you have done more cleans than you could possibly count, mistakes do happen. Forgetting to take out one trashbag or neglecting to dust one area could affect the overall appearance of an office. Double-checking, or even triple-checking, your work for any errors is always a good idea. This not only shows that you are thorough, but it also prevents bigger problems that could result arise down the road.

3. Preparation

Successful cleaning franchise owners are always thinking ahead. Purchasing supplies well before they run out, having an approved backup crew, and allowing yourself plenty of time to get to an account in case unforeseen circumstances arise are great ways to stay prepared. Think of any possible scenarios that may happen and create a plan to solve the unexpected challenge.

4. Desire to Learn

As a business owner, it is almost guaranteed that you will face new and unprecedented challenges. Rather than trying to solve them all on your own, try reaching out to a Corvus Teammate instead. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It shows that you are willing to learn and take any steps necessary to improve yourself and your business.

5. Solution-Oriented

Successful cleaning franchise owners actively seek solutions when challenges arise. When they can’t solve the problems on their own, they are resourceful by asking questions or reaching out to others for help. If something is not going according to plan, they investigate the situation further. Rather than just shrugging off a streaky floor, ask yourself questions like: am I using too much product? the wrong product? does the mop water need to be changed more often?

If this list seems overwhelming at first, that’s okay! Real, lasting change takes time. Focus on one area for however long you need to, and then move on to another. Eventually, these “learned skills” will become habits that you incorporate into your everyday work routine.

About Corvus Janitorial Systems

Founded in 2004 to make people’s lives better, Corvus Janitorial Systems is a full-service commercial cleaning franchisor that offers cleaning services through reputable local Franchisees. Corvus has been guided by its mission to transform people and transform places by consistently delivering independence, security, and freedom to Franchisees who deliver high-quality cleaning to offices, educational buildings, medical buildings/offices, recreational centers, industrial parks, and other spaces. Visit our website for more information regarding Corvus and the franchise opportunities we offer nationwide.

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Whether you are interested in a commercial clean or franchising opportunities, Corvus Janitorial Services is by your side.

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